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 demande d'info

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Nombre de messages : 31
Localisation : België, Vlaams Brabant.
Date d'inscription : 02/11/2005

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MessageSujet: demande d'info   demande d'info EmptyVen 4 Nov 2005 - 17:25

Dear Sirs,

Let me first introduce myself. I’m An. My husband and I own a group of Geochelone Elegans. All my animals, are registered in the studbook. The longer I own these beautiful creatures, the more I‘m fascinated by them. That’s where the idea of making a website came from.

To make this web-page, about those beautiful animals, a big success, I need your cooperation.
For the moment I’m collecting as much as possible of information about these tortoises. I’m looking for any information about keeping, terrariums, materials you using for soil, feeding, health and diseases, hatchlings and manners of breeding … etc.
Information about your experiences, a nice story, or maybe you knows a good article or a hint on a book. You name it, it can be useful. And because a picture says so much more than thousand words, they are certainly welcome. They will be provided by name of the owner, unless you like to stay anonymous. .

The information I want to give on my site has to be scientific correct, and not a mixture of presumes copied from any other site. Together with your input we can make it work. Any information that helps to reach my aim is very much appreciated.

Already thanks in advance for listening to my request.

Sincerely yours,


Dernière édition par le Sam 5 Nov 2005 - 21:15, édité 1 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: demande d'info   demande d'info EmptyVen 4 Nov 2005 - 17:39

Hello An,
We are delighted to welcome you on our forum and I am sure our specialists will be able to provide you with a lot of information on the Geochelone Elegans Very Happy

Some speak English others don’t but that shouldn’t be a problem.

We will certainly include your link on our forum and I’m sure you’ll include our link on your site.

Let us know if you have a problem reading French Wink
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Nouveau Membre

Nombre de messages : 31
Localisation : België, Vlaams Brabant.
Date d'inscription : 02/11/2005

demande d'info Empty
MessageSujet: Re: demande d'info   demande d'info EmptyVen 4 Nov 2005 - 17:57

Tangerine a écrit:
Hello An,
We are delighted to welcome you on our forum and I am sure our specialists will be able to provide you with a lot of information on the Geochelone Elegans Very Happy

Some speak English others don’t but that shouldn’t be a problem.

We will certainly include your link on our forum and I’m sure you’ll include our link on your site.

Let us know if you have a problem reading French Wink

Merci, je comprends bien le Français, et pour le rest je possède une dictionnaire Wink . Mais je sait pas bien m'exprimer et écrire, pour ça, mon lettre en Anglais.
Pour ceux qui comprends le néerlandais, je suit administrateur sur un cite des tortues :
et merci pour traduire.
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MessageSujet: Re: demande d'info   demande d'info EmptyVen 4 Nov 2005 - 18:05

Tu parles très bien le Français - bcp mieux que moi le Néerlandais Wink
Inutile donc de te traduire quoi que ce soit :lol:
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Nouveau Membre

Nombre de messages : 31
Localisation : België, Vlaams Brabant.
Date d'inscription : 02/11/2005

demande d'info Empty
MessageSujet: Re: demande d'info   demande d'info EmptySam 12 Nov 2005 - 13:29

Jus qua présence, auc'une response. Crying or Very sad
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