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 It is possible to construct a enclos to support elegans in

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3 participants
Juanma Díaz
Nouveau Membre
Juanma Díaz

Nombre de messages : 33
Age : 40
Localisation : España
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2007

It is possible to construct a enclos to support elegans in Empty
MessageSujet: It is possible to construct a enclos to support elegans in   It is possible to construct a enclos to support elegans in EmptyJeu 13 Aoû 2009 - 15:39

¿Es posible construir un cajón para mantener elegans en el exterior durante todo el año?

Sería un cajón de madera de 2 x 1 metros al que instalar un invernadero caliente.

¿Alguien mantiene elegans en el exterior todo el año? ¿Los alemanes quizás?

It is possible to construct a enclos to support elegans in out (street) during the whole year?

It would be a booth of wood of 2 x 1 meters on that having installed a warm greenhouse (serre??).

Someone supports elegans in the exterior the whole year? The Germans probably?


It is possible to construct a enclos to support elegans in Enclos10

Redimentionné par mama mia
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mama mia
Membre d'Honneur
mama mia

Nombre de messages : 13374
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2006

It is possible to construct a enclos to support elegans in Empty
MessageSujet: Re: It is possible to construct a enclos to support elegans in   It is possible to construct a enclos to support elegans in EmptyJeu 13 Aoû 2009 - 16:00

Yes of course you can let your turtles out. It is moreover recommended because the sun and a natural environment are the key for health and vitality of your pet.

If you're in Spain it is warm enough to let them out from spring to autumn with a greenhouse. You must just check that during the night the temperature do not fall to much, 18°C is a minimum. And the rest of the day if it's cold (under 25°C) and let them in the greenhouse with the lamps, specially if there is no sun.

Will this enclosure be for adults or for juveniles?

Oui bien sûr tu peux laisser tes tortues dehors. C'est de plus très recommandé car le soleil et un environnement naturel sont la clé pour une bonne santé et vitalité de tes animaux.

Si tu es en Espagne il fait suffisamment chaud pour les laisser dehors au printemps jusqu'en automne. Tu dois faire attention que la nuit les températures ne descendent pas trop, 18°C est un minimum. Et le reste de la journée si il fait froit (moins que 25°C) laisse les dans la serre avec des lampes, surtout s'il n'y a pas de soleil.

cet enclos est déstiné pour des adultes ou des juvéniles?
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Juanma Díaz
Nouveau Membre
Juanma Díaz

Nombre de messages : 33
Age : 40
Localisation : España
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2007

It is possible to construct a enclos to support elegans in Empty
MessageSujet: Re: It is possible to construct a enclos to support elegans in   It is possible to construct a enclos to support elegans in EmptyJeu 13 Aoû 2009 - 16:27

El problema está en el invierno.

No sé si podré calentar el recinto en Diciembre o Enero. No conozco a nadie que mantenga elegans en el exterior en invierno.

Vivo en una zona no muy fría pero me da miedo.

Las tortugas son adultos y juveniles de entre 100 y 1000 gramos.

Gracias por la respuesta.

The problem is in the winter.

I do not know if I will be able to warm the enclosure in December or January. I do not know anybody who supports elegans in the exterior in winter.

I live in a not very cold zone but it(he,she) gives me fear. The tortoises are adult and juvenile of between(among) 100 and 1000 grams. Thank you for the response.
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mama mia
Membre d'Honneur
mama mia

Nombre de messages : 13374
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2006

It is possible to construct a enclos to support elegans in Empty
MessageSujet: Re: It is possible to construct a enclos to support elegans in   It is possible to construct a enclos to support elegans in EmptyJeu 13 Aoû 2009 - 23:03

I think during winter it would be better to keep them inside... With a simple greenhouse you'll lost a lot of heat when it's too cold if you want to keep it warm enough.

Je pense que pendant l'hiver il serait mieux de les garder à l'intérieur. Avec uniquement une serre tu perdras beaucoup de chaleur lorsqu'il fera trop froid en voulant la chauffer suffisamment.
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Membre d'Honneur

Nombre de messages : 3881
Age : 57
Localisation : Sud de la France
Date d'inscription : 06/05/2006

It is possible to construct a enclos to support elegans in Empty
MessageSujet: Re: It is possible to construct a enclos to support elegans in   It is possible to construct a enclos to support elegans in EmptyVen 14 Aoû 2009 - 9:35


I think as Mama mia told you that for small exotics tortoises it's better to create an inside enclosure because of the weather ...
I live near of Spain (Perpignan) and I have some radiata : the biggest one stay outside all year long and have a big greenhouse where they stay from end of December to MArch ...I have put a big warmer and a few lamps to provide heat enough Wink
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Juanma Díaz
Nouveau Membre
Juanma Díaz

Nombre de messages : 33
Age : 40
Localisation : España
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2007

It is possible to construct a enclos to support elegans in Empty
MessageSujet: Re: It is possible to construct a enclos to support elegans in   It is possible to construct a enclos to support elegans in EmptySam 15 Aoû 2009 - 10:31

¿Podrías poner fotografías del invernadero por favor? ¿Que usas para calentarlo? ¿que temperatura hay en la calle? ¿que temperatura hay en el invernadero).

Pongo un dibujo de mi idea.


You might put photographies of the greenhouse please? That you use to warm it? That temperature exists in the street? That temperature exists in the greenhouse).

I put a drawing of my idea.


It is possible to construct a enclos to support elegans in B1c5a019eb17fe611f8883e2dc223be5o
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It is possible to construct a enclos to support elegans in Empty
MessageSujet: Re: It is possible to construct a enclos to support elegans in   It is possible to construct a enclos to support elegans in Empty

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It is possible to construct a enclos to support elegans in
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